The Perfect Graffiti Remover for your Portable Toilets in the Field and the Yard!
Graffiti Remover, Cleaner, & Protector

Removes Paint
Crayon & more
Art Blaster is a powerful Liquid graffiti remover, cleaner & protector that is designed to quickly and easily remove graffiti.
Leaves a protective sheen with a green apple scent.
Available in:
1 Qt. (2 Qt. Min.) 2 sponges & 1 trigger
12 x 1 Qt. Case 12 sponges & 3 triggers
1 Gal. with 4 sponges
4 x 1 Gal. with 12 sponges
5 Gal. with 18 sponges
55 Gal. with 60 sponges

Use our 50% STRONGER double-sided sponge along with any of our graffiti removers to maximize cleaning power and remove stubborn graffiti including pencil!